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Utility functions for data transformation and computations.
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from typing import List, Tuple, Any, Union, Dict, Iterable
from collections import OrderedDict
import multiprocessing as mp
from copy import deepcopy
import numpy as np
from sklearn.neural_network import MLPRegressor
import torch
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from torch.autograd import grad
from pytorchbridge import TorchEstimator

def cache_function(x_cache: list, u_cache: list, d_cache: list, r_cache: list):
    Creates cache of states, actions, rewards, and done signals after a
    `stable-baselines` agent finishes `learn()`-ing. A cache is a list of
    numpy arrays where each array corresponds to results from a single call to
    `agent.learn(timesteps)`. Each element in the array corresponds to an
    interaction with the environment. This returns a callback function that can
    be provided to the agent. The callback has reference to the lists provided
    which it populates with values.

    x_cache : list
        Empty list that will be populated with states.
    u_cache : list
        Empty list that will be populated with actions.
    d_cache : list
        Empty list that will be populated with rewards.
    r_cache : list
        Empty list that will be populated with done signals (True -> episode end)

        A function that accepts a dictionary of local and global variables. The
        callable returns nothing.
    def cache_experience(local_vars, global_vars):
    return cache_experience

def cache_to_training_set(x_cache: List[np.ndarray], u_cache: List[np.ndarray], \
    d_cache: List[np.ndarray], mode: str='closed') -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
    Convert cached actions and states into (state, action, next state) tuples.

    x_cache : List[np.ndarray]
        List of state observations.
    u_cache : List[np.ndarray]
        List of actions taken.
    d_cache : List[np.ndarray]
        List of arrays of booleans indicating whether each time step is end
        of episode.
    mode: str
        If "open", then values at indices where d_cache is True will be included
        at the end of the previous episode. If "closed", those values will be
        included at the start of the next episode.

    Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]
        An array of concatenated (state, action) tuples and an array of next state
    x_ep = cache_to_episodes(x_cache, d_cache, mode)
    u_ep = cache_to_episodes(u_cache, d_cache, mode)
    xu, x_next = [], []
    for x, u in zip(x_ep, u_ep):
        if len(x) < 1: continue
        xu_ = np.concatenate((x[:-1], u[:-1]), axis=1)
        x_next_ = x[1:]
    return np.concatenate(xu, axis=0), np.concatenate(x_next, axis=0)
def cache_to_episodes(cache: List[np.ndarray], d_cache: List[np.ndarray],
    mode: str='closed') -> List[np.ndarray]:
    Converts a cache of rewards to an array of total rewards per episode.

    cache : List[np.ndarray]
        A list of arrays where each array element is a measurement per step.
    d_cache : List[np.ndarray]
        A list of arrays where each element is a boolean indicating whether that
        step is the last in an episode.
    mode: str
        If "open", then values at indices where d_cache is True will be included
        at the end of the previous episode. If "closed", those values will be
        included at the start of the next episode.

        A list of arrays such that each array corresponds to an episode.
    cache = np.concatenate(cache, axis=0)
    d_cache = np.concatenate(d_cache, axis=0)
    terminal_idx = np.nonzero(d_cache)[0]
    if terminal_idx[-1] != len(cache) - 1:      # Include trailing end of cache
        terminal_idx = np.hstack((terminal_idx, (len(cache) - 1,)))
    if mode == 'open':                         # Include values at indices where
        terminal_idx[terminal_idx != 0] += 1   # d_cache==True in previous episode
    elif mode == 'closed':
        raise ValueError('Only "open" and "closed" mode supported.')
    episodic = [cache[:terminal_idx[0]]]
    for i in range(0, len(terminal_idx) - 1):
        episodic.append(cache[terminal_idx[i]: terminal_idx[i+1]])
    return episodic

def cache_to_episodic_rewards(r_cache: List[np.ndarray], d_cache: List[np.ndarray])\
    -> np.ndarray:
    Converts a cache of rewards to an array of total rewards per episode.

    r_cache : List[np.ndarray]
        A list of arrays where each element is the reward per step.
    d_cache : List[np.ndarray]
        A list of arrays where each element is a boolean indicating whether that
        step is the last in an episode.

        An array where each element is the total reward per episode.
    episodic = cache_to_episodes(r_cache, d_cache)
    return np.asarray([sum(ep) for ep in episodic])

def rewards_from_actions(env: gym.Env, u: List[Any]) -> float:
    Returns the total rewards earned from an environment given a sequence of
    actions. Environment may be reset if episode ends.

    env : gym.Env
        An OpenAI gym environment.
    u : List[Any]
        A sequence of actions that `env` accepts.
        Total reward gained.
    rewards = 0.
    for i in range(len(u)):
        _, r, done, _ = env.step(u[i])
        rewards += r
        if done: env.reset()
    return rewards

def copy_tensor(t: Union[torch.Tensor, Dict[str, torch.Tensor], List[torch.Tensor]]) \
    -> Union[torch.Tensor, Dict[str, torch.Tensor]]:
    Make a copy of a tensor or a state_dict such that it is detached from the
    computation graph and does not share underlying data.

    t : Union[torch.Tensor, Dict[str, torch.Tensor], List[torch.Tensor]]
        A tensor or a dictionary of [name, torch.Tensor]

    Union[torch.Tensor, Dict[str, torch.Tensor]]
        Same object as t
    if isinstance(t, OrderedDict):
        return OrderedDict([(k, v.clone().detach()) for k, v in t.items()])
    elif isinstance(t, torch.Tensor):
        return t.clone().detach()
    elif isinstance(t, (list, tuple)):
        return [t_.clone().detach() for t_ in t]
        raise TypeError('Only OrderedDict or Tensor supported')

def copy_mlp_regressor(est: MLPRegressor, **params) -> MLPRegressor:
    if isinstance(est, MLPRegressor):
        est_ = deepcopy(est)
    elif isinstance(est, TorchEstimator):
        est_ = deepcopy(est)
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        # Handle references to parameters in optimizer as well.
        raise NotImplementedError('torch.nn.Module copy not implemented yet.')
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def vectorize_parameters(p: Union[Dict, Iterable[torch.Tensor]]) -> torch.Tensor:
    Convert a state dict or a list of tensors into a 1D vector.

    p : Union[Dict, Iterable[torch.Tensor]]
        The result of a `module.state_dict()` or `module.parameters()` containing

        A 1D vector of flattened tensors.
    if isinstance(p, (dict, OrderedDict)):
        plist = []
        for _, param in p.items():
        plist = list(map(torch.flatten, p))

def get_gradients(params: Iterable[torch.Tensor], wrtparams: Iterable[torch.Tensor])\
    -> Iterable[torch.Tensor]:
    Generate dictionary or list of gradients of provided tensors.

    p : Iterable[torch.Tensor]
        The result of `module.parameters()` containing `torch.Tensor`s which
        have gradients.

        The gradients of the input in the same structure.
    gradients = []
    for param, wrt in zip(params, wrtparams):
        g = grad(param.sum(), wrt, allow_unused=True, retain_graph=True)[0]
    return gradients

def get_difference(pto: Union[Dict, Iterable[torch.Tensor]],
        pfrom: Union[Dict, Iterable[torch.Tensor]]) -> \
        Union[Dict, Iterable[torch.Tensor]]:
    if isinstance(pto, (dict, OrderedDict)):
        ddict = OrderedDict()
        for key in pto:
            ddict[key] = pto[key] - pfrom[key]
        return ddict
        glist = []
        for paramto, paramfrom in zip(pto, pfrom):
            glist.append(paramto - paramfrom)
        return glist

def sanitize_filename(fname: str) -> str:
    fname = fname.replace(':', '')
    fname = fname.replace("'", '')
    fname = fname.replace(' ', '')
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    fname = fname.replace(',', '-')
    fname = fname.replace('{', '')
    fname = fname.replace('}', '')
    fname = fname.replace('(', '')
    fname = fname.replace(')', '')
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    fname = fname.replace('[', '_')
    fname = fname.replace(']', '_')
    return fname

class higher_dummy_context:

    def __init__(self, model, optimizer, *args, **kwargs):
        self.model = model
        self.optimizer = optimizer

    def __enter__(self):
        return self.model, self.optimizer

    def __exit__(self, *args):
        return None